Friday, November 14, 2008

Yes we can!

I am thrilled with the speed at which this first unit is coming along. I have finished 5 models in about a week which is lightening speed for me. I have gone with a very basic painting scheme. Basecoat colors (off white, red, flesh and bronze) followed by a wash of GW Badab Black on the metal and Devlun Mud on everything else. Then, I reapply the basecoat color, add a highlight and that is it. Simple but I think it still looks pretty good.
At this rate, I should have my first unit of 12 done in another week!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Rise of the Republic

Adepticon 2009 is just 5 months away so it was high time I started my 1000 points of Republican Romans for the WAB Team Tournament. Here is the first of many Hastati models I will be completing in the coming months. These proud citizens of Rome will take the field alongside the mercenary menace of Dave Pauwels' Carthaginians. You can follow the progress of his army on his blog at